Deidre Brollo is an Australian artist whose practice is primarily centred around the forms of printmedia, artists’ books, installation and performance. Her work draws strongly on print culture and its inherent ideas: the logic of the archive, the transmission of narrative, and the notion of exchange. This focus provides a means to investigate ideas of memory and temporality, to question the conditions and terms on which we engage with the past, and to uncover the ways in the past is restless in the present.
Brollo’s work often employs interactive and immersive elements, and seeks to embed a reciprocity, where the viewer is asked to engage in specified ways with the work. This interactivity is also employed to engage the viewer’s haptic memory and perception, as a means of co-opting the viewer’s own recollections as part of the process of meaning creation and exchange.
She holds a PhD from Sydney College of the Arts, the University of Sydney, which was awarded in 2007 for her thesis, Memory, Perception & the Art of Seeing Double, and accompanying exhibition, the return room. Her work has been exhibited in Australia and internationally, and has won a number of awards, most recently the Ursula Hoff Institute Award at the 2015 Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards, and the Non-Acquisitive Prize at the 2013 Fremantle Art Centre Print Award. She is represented in the collections of the National Library of Australia, Geelong Gallery, Burnie Regional Art Gallery, Southern Cross University, Manly Library, the State Library of New South Wales, and the State Library of Queensland and the University of Sydney.